Advanced Dog Training Classes

This class is for vaccinated dogs over the age of 1 year when the course starts.

The Advanced course lasts for 7 weeks. Each of the 7 sessions are 55 minutes long, with week 5 being a fun indoor agility night comprising of tunnels, hoops and small jumps.

Using kind and gentle methods, we will show you how to:

Teach your dog to greet people in a controlled manner, off lead and whilst on the move
Send your dog to an area to lie down
Teach your dog to walk beside you, off lead, through a slalom course
Teach your dog to leave an item of food, on command, that has been dropped on the floor whilst on the move
Teach your dog to “wait” on command around people and dogs and to come back to you when you call them away
Get your dog to focus on you (off lead) when other dogs, people and distractions are walking past
Walk your dog, off lead, around other dogs and people
Get your dog to stay in one place and move to another room for a set
period of time
Train your dog to achieve the Headington Dog Training Gold Award

Advanced Class Gallery

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